Tuesday, January 18, 2011

"Third Quarter Goals."

An accomplishment I had from 2010 was that I had above a 3.0 G.P.A. I was playing volleyball in the beginning of year so I did my homework to play. You had to have a 3.0 to play, and I really wanted to play. Last years in eighth grade I had horrible grades. It was really easy just to do my homework and pay attention.

Three goals that I have for 2011 are to get at least a 3.5. Another thing is to turn in all my missing assignments. Also, try not to quit a sport.

One goal I have is to get at least a 3.5
• My house parents are doing everything they can to help me a 3.5

Another goal I have is to turn in all my missing assignments.
• I have to work twice as hard so that I can get off two hour.

Finally, I have to try not to quit a sport.
• I have to try stay committed to my team

1 comment:

  1. Go comment my posts! I hope you accomplish your goals, honey!!
